Things are winding down at the UOP today as we prepare for the coming holiday season. The press will but shutting down along with the rest of the university for our annual Christmas holiday - from December 23 until January 4, 2011. Since 2011 is right around the corner, we figured it was a great time to look back on the year, and what better way to do that than the ubiquitous Top 10 list?
So here it is -- the UOP's Top 10 of 2010!!
Happy Holidays, and see you next year!!
Je l’ai entendu à la radio : le Dictionnaire des écrits de l’Ontario français
À vrai dire, l’émission Grands Lacs Café est le rendez-vous radiophonique de la fin de semaine pour les Franco-Ontariens. Il n’y a pas longtemps, Gaetan Gervais et Jean-Pierre Pichette on fait la visite avec animateur Éric Robitaille.
L’excellente entrevue avec les codirecteurs de la nouvelle parution Dictionnaire des écrits de l’Ontario français a été diffusée le 4 décembre à la Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada.
Voici un extrait :
« C’est le moment de vous en parler de ce Dictionnaire des écrits de l’Ontario français 1613-1993. L’aboutissement d’une entreprise qui a été lancé en 1992 – ça fait 30 ans qu’on travaille là-dessus et enfin le projet se concrétise, se matérialise. Ça tombe bien aussi parce que le livre est publié l’année du 400e anniversaire de la présence francophone en Ontario avec les premiers voyages d’Étienne Brulé et Samuel de Champlain dans la baie Georgienne.
L’ouvrage - je l’ai reçu en primeur, il est beau, il est impressionnant, c’est une brique, il est magnifique, c’est une travaille colossale, minutieux. J'ai eu la chance de parler cette semaine avec quelques-uns des principaux artisans du dictionnaire, dont les deux codirecteurs du projet l’historien Gaetan Gervais et puis l’ethnologue Jean-Pierre Pichette … »
Pour écouter l’entrevue, cliquez le lien suivant :
Dictionnaire des écrits de l'Ontario français
Sujet: Reportage sur une oeuvre colossale et essentielle pour les francophones d'ici
L’excellente entrevue avec les codirecteurs de la nouvelle parution Dictionnaire des écrits de l’Ontario français a été diffusée le 4 décembre à la Première Chaîne de Radio-Canada.
Voici un extrait :
« C’est le moment de vous en parler de ce Dictionnaire des écrits de l’Ontario français 1613-1993. L’aboutissement d’une entreprise qui a été lancé en 1992 – ça fait 30 ans qu’on travaille là-dessus et enfin le projet se concrétise, se matérialise. Ça tombe bien aussi parce que le livre est publié l’année du 400e anniversaire de la présence francophone en Ontario avec les premiers voyages d’Étienne Brulé et Samuel de Champlain dans la baie Georgienne.
L’ouvrage - je l’ai reçu en primeur, il est beau, il est impressionnant, c’est une brique, il est magnifique, c’est une travaille colossale, minutieux. J'ai eu la chance de parler cette semaine avec quelques-uns des principaux artisans du dictionnaire, dont les deux codirecteurs du projet l’historien Gaetan Gervais et puis l’ethnologue Jean-Pierre Pichette … »
Pour écouter l’entrevue, cliquez le lien suivant :
Dictionnaire des écrits de l'Ontario français
Sujet: Reportage sur une oeuvre colossale et essentielle pour les francophones d'ici
author interview,
Author Reading
For those of you looking for something to do on Saturday night, here’s some information about an event of the literary persuasion!
UOP author Gregory Betts (The Wrong World: Selected Stories and Essays of Bertram Brooker) will be doing a poetry reading along with Jeanette Lynes. The event is part of the AB series, which presents audiences in the Ottawa-area with experimental, sound and performance poetry readings.
The event is being held this Saturday, December 18th at the Mercury Lounge in the Byward Market. Doors open at 7:30pm and the revelry will begin at 8:00pm. For more information, visit the AB series website at
UOP author Gregory Betts (The Wrong World: Selected Stories and Essays of Bertram Brooker) will be doing a poetry reading along with Jeanette Lynes. The event is part of the AB series, which presents audiences in the Ottawa-area with experimental, sound and performance poetry readings.
The event is being held this Saturday, December 18th at the Mercury Lounge in the Byward Market. Doors open at 7:30pm and the revelry will begin at 8:00pm. For more information, visit the AB series website at
Lancement collectif au CRCCF
Le Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française de l’Université d’Ottawa vous invite au lancement collectif du CRCCF demain soir, le 9 décembre, à 16 heures. Le lancement sera l’occasion de présenter sur scène les dernières parutions du CRCCF.
Onze publications y seront présentées, y inclut les Cahiers Charlevoix n° 8 rédigé sous la direction de la Société Charlevoix et le Dictionnaire des écrits de l’Ontario français rédigé sous la direction de Gétan Gervais et Jean-Pierre Pichette.
Onze publications y seront présentées, y inclut les Cahiers Charlevoix n° 8 rédigé sous la direction de la Société Charlevoix et le Dictionnaire des écrits de l’Ontario français rédigé sous la direction de Gétan Gervais et Jean-Pierre Pichette.
100 Awesome Books - And We Made the Cut!

We are extremely excited to have been chosen. To see the complete listing, as well as the lists for Canadian and International Fiction, visit
For more information about My Life, visit the University of Ottawa Press website at the following link:
Meet the 2010 winner of the Governor General's Literary Awards!
For those of you who are looking for something to do this evening, you may want to head down to the ByWard Market for a literary meet-and-greet!
Those of you who venture out will have the opportunity to meet the winners of the 2010 GGs, and have your books signed. The winners include novelists, non-fiction writers, poets, playwrights, illustrators and translators from across the country.
The English-language winners will be gathered at Nicholas Hoare Books, 419 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, and the French-language winners will be at the Librairie du Soleil, 33 George Street, Ottawa.
The event takes place from 6-8pm so if you're lucky, you may even have the opportunity to check out both locations!
For a complete event details and more information on the winners, visit the website of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Those of you who venture out will have the opportunity to meet the winners of the 2010 GGs, and have your books signed. The winners include novelists, non-fiction writers, poets, playwrights, illustrators and translators from across the country.
The English-language winners will be gathered at Nicholas Hoare Books, 419 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, and the French-language winners will be at the Librairie du Soleil, 33 George Street, Ottawa.
The event takes place from 6-8pm so if you're lucky, you may even have the opportunity to check out both locations!
For a complete event details and more information on the winners, visit the website of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Finding the Feminine Side of Engineering
An excellent article appeared in the autumn issue of the UK magazine Engineering Apprentice. Writer Ross Ringham had a chat with UOP author Monique Frize about her book The Bold and the Brave: A History of Women in Science and Engineering. They spoke about issues facing women in Engineering, and what needs to be done in both the education system and in the industry itself to achieve gender balance.
Here is some of what Frize had to say:
Increasing the pool of women engineers requires that policies, strategies and initiatives be invested at each level of education, from primary school, to college, to university. We must profile women and their work for generations to come, so that girls think, "I can also do this," and boys think, "Girls and women can also do this."
Equally important is the integration of feminine attributes and perspectives into the culture of engineering and technology, ensuring social relevance is included in the curriculum and using a teaching style that reaches a diversity of audiences.
Engineering needs women more than women need engineering roles. Women currently flock in great numbers to health-related careers, which are in great demand everywhere with the ageing population. So we must find the way to achieve more gender balance, and a culture where women no longer have to be bold and brave to choose engineering careers.
To read the full article, visit the Engineering Apprentice website. You may be asked to create an account to view the article, but it is very simple, and there is no cost.
Frize was selected by Professional Engineers Ontario and the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers to receive their annual Gold Medal for achievement in the field of engineering. The gold medal will be presented at a Gala tomorrow evening.
Congratulations, Monique!!
Here is some of what Frize had to say:
Increasing the pool of women engineers requires that policies, strategies and initiatives be invested at each level of education, from primary school, to college, to university. We must profile women and their work for generations to come, so that girls think, "I can also do this," and boys think, "Girls and women can also do this."
Equally important is the integration of feminine attributes and perspectives into the culture of engineering and technology, ensuring social relevance is included in the curriculum and using a teaching style that reaches a diversity of audiences.
Engineering needs women more than women need engineering roles. Women currently flock in great numbers to health-related careers, which are in great demand everywhere with the ageing population. So we must find the way to achieve more gender balance, and a culture where women no longer have to be bold and brave to choose engineering careers.
To read the full article, visit the Engineering Apprentice website. You may be asked to create an account to view the article, but it is very simple, and there is no cost.
Frize was selected by Professional Engineers Ontario and the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers to receive their annual Gold Medal for achievement in the field of engineering. The gold medal will be presented at a Gala tomorrow evening.
Congratulations, Monique!!
Monique Frize,
Entrevue avec Denyse Côté, codirectrice de l'ouvrage « Famille et fragmentation »
Cette semaine, une entrevue intéressante au sujet de la garde partagée sera diffusée dans le cadre de l'émission « C'est ça la vie » à l'antenne de Radio-Canada. L’invitée est professeure Denyse Côté, codirectrice de l'ouvrage intitulé « Famille et fragmentation » qui a été codirigé avec Marie-Blanche Tahon.
L'entrevue sera diffusée à l'antenne de Radio-Canada, le 17 novembre entre 14 h et 15 h.
L'entrevue sera diffusée à l'antenne de Radio-Canada, le 17 novembre entre 14 h et 15 h.
author interview,
University Affairs article: The woman behind Tolstoy

Writer Carolyn Wong interviewed UOP's Managing Editor Marie Clausén for a unique look at the production aspect of this massive project.
She writes:
"It took two years for Dr. Donskov and a team of two translators (John Woodsworth and Arkadi Klioutchanski, both members of the Slavic Research Group) and press staff to ready the book for publishing. With more than 1,200 pages to translate, scores of names and details to fact-check with experts in Russia, and 4,000 footnotes to create and index, managing editor Marie Clausén describes My Life as “the biggest and most complex book project I have ever worked on.”
With the book successfully completed and launched, Dr. Donskov has turned his attention to writing a critical study of Sofia’s work; none has ever been published in English. “She was an extremely bright woman,” he says. “What is most remarkable [about My Life] is if she had been given a chance, she would have been a very accomplished writer.”
To read the full article, visit the following link:
Lest we forget...
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
- John McCrae
Évènement: les cultural studies comme projet transdisciplinaire

L’évènement s’agit d’une reflection sur les ‘cultural studies’ comme projet transdisciplinaire.
Coordonnées de l'événement:
Jeudi 11 novembre 2010, 16h30 à 18h
Pavillon Desmarais (DMS 3105)
Université d'Ottawa
Spotlight on Tom Symons, founder of Trent University

Ed Arnold writes:
Peterborough's (we can proudly call him that now since he's lived here for more than four decades, can't we?) Tom Symons, the founder of Trent University, is being recognized with a new book on his professional life. Symons, who has more letters after his name than the alphabet, is one of Canada's educational/ cultural icons and has been for more than 50 years.
The book will be published next year by the University of Ottawa Press and, according to the alumni association newsletter, will tell "the story of Symons's leadership across many areas of Canadian and international life over the past 60 years."
The book Tom Symons, A Canadian Life will have a chapter by Denis Smith, Trent's first vice president, that is to be all about the university's first decade. Other chapters will look at Symons's national unity, Canadian, cultural, heritage and commonwealth roles. Various people including Walter Pitman, John Fraser, Rosalie Abella, ad Tom McMillan, will write chapters.
It's about time.
You can access the article here:
We're happy to know that Peterborough locals are as excited about the book as we are, and we'll be sure to send The Examiner a review copy!
University of Ottawa Press
Launch: The Doom Loop in the Financial Sector, by William Leiss
Come one, come all, to the launch of William Leiss' latest book:
The Doom Loop in the Financial Sector and Other Black Holes of Risk.
The Doom Loop in the Financial Sector and Other Black Holes of Risk.
book launch,
Nouveauté des PUO: Droits et voix, la criminologie à l'Université d'Ottawa
Dernièrement, le bulletin de découverte et d‘invention de l’Université d’Ottawa, Perspectives sur la recherche, a annoncé la parution d’une des nouveautés des Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa. L’œuvre est intitulée Droits et voix : La criminologie à l’Université d’Ottawa et a été rédigé sous la direction de Véronique Strimelle et Françoise Vanhamme..
Pour en lire plus:
Pour en lire plus:
War and Peace, Love and Marriage, Globe and Mail
We are thrilled to announce that an excellent article about Sofia Tolstaya's My Life appeared in Saturday's Globe and Mail. The article, called War and peace, love and marriage: How the University of Ottawa Press nabbed the rights to a memoir by Tolstoy's long-suffering wife was written by Jeremy Mesiano-Crookston,a local freelance writer.

Here's an excerpt:
In the academic world, Leo (Lev Nikolaevich) Tolstoy is a colossus. He’s talked about, read, discussed, dissected and forms a pillar of studies of the novel itself. So how did the written memoirs of Tolstoy’s indomitable wife, Sofia Tolstaya (the Russian feminine version of Tolstoy), one of the most important and anticipated works in modern Tolstoy scholarship, land at a university press in Canada’s capital city? As with most things in academia, it involves an almost obsessive love of the subject, and lots of time.
Twelve years ago, the University of Ottawa formed the Slavic Research Group under the direction of Andrew Donskov, a world-renowned Tolstoy expert. Since its inception, the group has produced nearly 40 volumes of high-calibre work. “I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that ours would be called the centre of Tolstoy studies in North America,” Donskov says. [...] Over the years, Donskov worked in [Russia], published jointly with the Russian museums and organizations and eventually became the only foreign scholar on the editorial board of the Russian Academy of Sciences. When Tolstaya’s memoirs were scheduled to be printed in Russia as a coffee-table book, Donskov was entrusted with creating the full scholarly edition, as well as the obligation to treat the material as seriously as it deserved.
To read more, visit the Globe and Mail website at the following link:
Here's an excerpt:
In the academic world, Leo (Lev Nikolaevich) Tolstoy is a colossus. He’s talked about, read, discussed, dissected and forms a pillar of studies of the novel itself. So how did the written memoirs of Tolstoy’s indomitable wife, Sofia Tolstaya (the Russian feminine version of Tolstoy), one of the most important and anticipated works in modern Tolstoy scholarship, land at a university press in Canada’s capital city? As with most things in academia, it involves an almost obsessive love of the subject, and lots of time.
Twelve years ago, the University of Ottawa formed the Slavic Research Group under the direction of Andrew Donskov, a world-renowned Tolstoy expert. Since its inception, the group has produced nearly 40 volumes of high-calibre work. “I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that ours would be called the centre of Tolstoy studies in North America,” Donskov says. [...] Over the years, Donskov worked in [Russia], published jointly with the Russian museums and organizations and eventually became the only foreign scholar on the editorial board of the Russian Academy of Sciences. When Tolstaya’s memoirs were scheduled to be printed in Russia as a coffee-table book, Donskov was entrusted with creating the full scholarly edition, as well as the obligation to treat the material as seriously as it deserved.
To read more, visit the Globe and Mail website at the following link:
Black Holes of Risk: author W.Leiss featured in Research Perspectives
UOP author William Leiss was recently featured in the magazine Research Perspectives. The issue, which focussed on risk, was the perfect place to showcase one of our newest titles: The Doom Loop in the Financial Sector: And Other Black Holes of Risk
The book, which hit shelves last week, tells an important story about uncontrolled risk, set against the backdrop of the global financial crisis.
Leiss is a nationally recognized risk management expert and an Associate-Director at the McLaughlin Center for Population Health Risk Assessment. He's a Fellow and former President of the Royal Society of Canada, and an Officer in the Order of Canada. Overall, he has written or edited over 15 books, including Risk and Responsibility and my favourite: Mad Cows and Mother’s Milk, both of which were published by McGill Queen's University Press.
The book, which hit shelves last week, tells an important story about uncontrolled risk, set against the backdrop of the global financial crisis.
Leiss is a nationally recognized risk management expert and an Associate-Director at the McLaughlin Center for Population Health Risk Assessment. He's a Fellow and former President of the Royal Society of Canada, and an Officer in the Order of Canada. Overall, he has written or edited over 15 books, including Risk and Responsibility and my favourite: Mad Cows and Mother’s Milk, both of which were published by McGill Queen's University Press.
author interview,
Two-for-One Book Launch Tomorrow!
A launch will be held tomorrow evening for two of our recent titles: The 1956 Hungarian Revolution: Hungarian and Canadian Perspectives edited by Christopher Adam, Tibor Egervari, Leslie Laczko and Judy Young, as well as Gender and Modernity in Central Europe edited by Agatha Schwartz.
If you're planning on being at the uOttawa campus tomorrow, we encourage you to come out and support the wonderful folks who made these (very attractive) books possible.
If you're planning on being at the uOttawa campus tomorrow, we encourage you to come out and support the wonderful folks who made these (very attractive) books possible.
book launch,
Calling all professors!
We’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for post-secondary instructors to order examination and desk copies from us. Gone are the days of trolling through our site, finally finding that book you want, and then having to fish out an email or a fax number from our contact info. Now, when you land upon that perfect title for your class, it’s one click to our examination copy request form.
You’ll find the link to the form next to the cover image of the book. When you click that link, you’ll be brought to a form that gathers all the information we need from you. The ISBN of the book you want to order is automatically populated into the form so we can find it instantly. You can add the title or the ISBN of one or two other books. (We kindly ask that you request no more than 3 books a term.)
You’ll get a response from one of our staff to let you know the book is on its way. And we may follow up with you in a few months to see what you thought. Pretty easy, eh?
So this is the last in our series on our new website. We touched on the high points and we hope that you’ll check out the site to see what else has changed. Overall, we think we’ve made a much more informative and user-friendly site.
But we what we think doesn’t matter that much – what are your thoughts?
You’ll find the link to the form next to the cover image of the book. When you click that link, you’ll be brought to a form that gathers all the information we need from you. The ISBN of the book you want to order is automatically populated into the form so we can find it instantly. You can add the title or the ISBN of one or two other books. (We kindly ask that you request no more than 3 books a term.)
You’ll get a response from one of our staff to let you know the book is on its way. And we may follow up with you in a few months to see what you thought. Pretty easy, eh?
So this is the last in our series on our new website. We touched on the high points and we hope that you’ll check out the site to see what else has changed. Overall, we think we’ve made a much more informative and user-friendly site.
But we what we think doesn’t matter that much – what are your thoughts?
University of Ottawa Press,
"Stop, that's my X-ray!" The true story behind the discovery of DNA
Interesting find today while looking through the archive of Hark, a Vagrant! a web-comic drawn by Canada’s own Kate Beaton. Here’s the comic:
The comic depicts Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick. Do the names ring any bells?
If they do, it’s likely Watson and Crick, and you are likely remembering a 9th grade science lesson on the men attributed with the discovery of the structure of DNA. They, along with a gentleman named Maurice Wilkins, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this breakthrough in 1962.
The question some people now ask is – did they deserve it, or should someone else’s name have been included on the list of recipients for the Nobel Prize?
The thing is, their discovery was due in large part to an X-ray belonging to Rosalind Franklin, who was also in the race to discover the structure of DNA. Watson himself attributes his original identification of the of DNA to Franklin’s X-ray. In his autobiography, The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA, Watson wrote: “The instant I saw the picture, my mouth fell open and my pulse began to rush. The pattern was unbelievable…” (167)
The controversy revolves around how they got the X-ray in the first place. How did Franklin’s research end up in the hands of Watson and Crick? Did they misappropriate it? Was it stolen from Franklin’s lab with the help of Maurice Wilkins, her co-researcher? (Wilkins’ name, you’ll notice, IS on the list of Nobel Prize laureates for 1962.)
Either way, it’s a tragic demonstration of how a woman’s contribution to a major event is often downplayed or completely ignored by the scientific community. And, while the actual event may not have played out exactly as the comic portrays -- it's still pushes us to think about what it would have been like for women trying to make it in a time that was not always kind, or even fair, to women.
Interestingly enough, we recently published a book titled The Bold and the Brave: A History of Women in Science and Engineering which touches on Franklin’s work, as well as on the work of other pioneers in science such as Mileva Einstein and Sophie Germain. If you are interested in learning more about the lives and contributions these women made to science, check it out!
![]() |
Hark, A Vagrant! by Kate Beaton |
The comic depicts Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick. Do the names ring any bells?
If they do, it’s likely Watson and Crick, and you are likely remembering a 9th grade science lesson on the men attributed with the discovery of the structure of DNA. They, along with a gentleman named Maurice Wilkins, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this breakthrough in 1962.
The question some people now ask is – did they deserve it, or should someone else’s name have been included on the list of recipients for the Nobel Prize?
The thing is, their discovery was due in large part to an X-ray belonging to Rosalind Franklin, who was also in the race to discover the structure of DNA. Watson himself attributes his original identification of the of DNA to Franklin’s X-ray. In his autobiography, The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA, Watson wrote: “The instant I saw the picture, my mouth fell open and my pulse began to rush. The pattern was unbelievable…” (167)
The controversy revolves around how they got the X-ray in the first place. How did Franklin’s research end up in the hands of Watson and Crick? Did they misappropriate it? Was it stolen from Franklin’s lab with the help of Maurice Wilkins, her co-researcher? (Wilkins’ name, you’ll notice, IS on the list of Nobel Prize laureates for 1962.)
Either way, it’s a tragic demonstration of how a woman’s contribution to a major event is often downplayed or completely ignored by the scientific community. And, while the actual event may not have played out exactly as the comic portrays -- it's still pushes us to think about what it would have been like for women trying to make it in a time that was not always kind, or even fair, to women.
Interestingly enough, we recently published a book titled The Bold and the Brave: A History of Women in Science and Engineering which touches on Franklin’s work, as well as on the work of other pioneers in science such as Mileva Einstein and Sophie Germain. If you are interested in learning more about the lives and contributions these women made to science, check it out!
Monique Frize,
the bold and the brave,
Letting it all hang out (on Google Books)
This being Open Access week, we decided to highlight our Open Access collection. 14 new books are now available through Open Access, which brings the total number of Open Access Books available through the UOP to 50!
The entire collection can be viewed through the University of Ottawa’s institutional repository, uO Research, at the following link: The books are browse-able by title, author and date, and is also fully searchable.
But we also have the complete list on our website, which you can find here:
You can browse the books alphabetically by title. For the finished website we will have a design feature to identify the Open Access titles, which will make them easier to browse by subject, collection and author as well. Do you have any suggestions on how we can make these books really stand out?
But let’s cut to the chase: you want to read these Open Access books, don’t you? They are free after all. Click through to the title you want to read and click on the icon for “Google Preview” next to the cover image. BAM! It’s not a preview – it’s the whole book! Read it in the pop-up on our site or click through to Google Books to get a larger screen view.
And we’re also using Google Preview throughout the site to give you a taste of our other books.
If a book doesn’t have a Google Preview icon on its page, check back soon – we’re always adding more titles to Google Books.
The entire collection can be viewed through the University of Ottawa’s institutional repository, uO Research, at the following link: The books are browse-able by title, author and date, and is also fully searchable.
But we also have the complete list on our website, which you can find here:
You can browse the books alphabetically by title. For the finished website we will have a design feature to identify the Open Access titles, which will make them easier to browse by subject, collection and author as well. Do you have any suggestions on how we can make these books really stand out?
But let’s cut to the chase: you want to read these Open Access books, don’t you? They are free after all. Click through to the title you want to read and click on the icon for “Google Preview” next to the cover image. BAM! It’s not a preview – it’s the whole book! Read it in the pop-up on our site or click through to Google Books to get a larger screen view.
And we’re also using Google Preview throughout the site to give you a taste of our other books.
If a book doesn’t have a Google Preview icon on its page, check back soon – we’re always adding more titles to Google Books.
uOttawa celebrates Open Access Week!
The University of Ottawa community is celebrating Open Access this week, as we come together to highlight the benefits of Open Access and its importance in the dissemination of research.
If you're looking for a bit of a backgrounder on Open Access and what this is all about, the Open Access Week website, located at is a great resource. According to the site,
"Open Access Week is a global event now entering its fourth year, is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research. [...]
This year’s Open Access Week (October 18 – 24) will highlight the collaboration and collective action that have heightened the momentum behind Open Access and showcase a broad range of initiatives around the globe. Participation by hundreds of universities, research facilities, and other sites worldwide will illustrate the depth and breadth of support for Open Access and demonstrate the real impact of unfettered access on advancing discovery across disciplines."
Check out the video below to learn more about how the University of Ottawa is participating. The best part is that around the 15 minute mark, the UOP is mentioned!
Open Access Week 2010 from SPARC on Vimeo.
If you're looking for a bit of a backgrounder on Open Access and what this is all about, the Open Access Week website, located at is a great resource. According to the site,
"Open Access Week is a global event now entering its fourth year, is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research. [...]
This year’s Open Access Week (October 18 – 24) will highlight the collaboration and collective action that have heightened the momentum behind Open Access and showcase a broad range of initiatives around the globe. Participation by hundreds of universities, research facilities, and other sites worldwide will illustrate the depth and breadth of support for Open Access and demonstrate the real impact of unfettered access on advancing discovery across disciplines."
Check out the video below to learn more about how the University of Ottawa is participating. The best part is that around the 15 minute mark, the UOP is mentioned!
Open Access Week 2010 from SPARC on Vimeo.
open access,
University of Ottawa Press,
So you want to be a UOP author…
Our editor, Eric Nelson, had a big influence on our new website. He wanted to see more information available for people interested in publishing with us. Well Eric, you got what you wanted!
A comprehensive submission guide is now found in the “Info” section of the site, complete with standard editorial schedules, documents for download and contact information.
If you’ve ever wondered whether you could publish with the UOP, you can find answers here:
I can’t imagine we missed anything (I think we went through eight drafts of that page!) but on the off chance that we have, let us know and we’ll fill in the gaps.
A comprehensive submission guide is now found in the “Info” section of the site, complete with standard editorial schedules, documents for download and contact information.
If you’ve ever wondered whether you could publish with the UOP, you can find answers here:
I can’t imagine we missed anything (I think we went through eight drafts of that page!) but on the off chance that we have, let us know and we’ll fill in the gaps.
University of Ottawa Press,
Officially unpacked (almost)
It's official: the renovations at 542 King Edward are complete, we have moved back from our temporary offices, and we have unpacked 99% of all our things. After approximately 500 boxes, 3000 Post-Its, 10 rolls of packing tape and a whole lot of work later, we're done. Almost. But, I have a feeling the last few boxes will take a *long* time to unpack.
Here are some pictures of the completed renovations and the people around the press. Everyone would like you to know that their bulletin boards are usually much more crowded, in case they gave off the impression that they weren't busy.
Also note - the photographs are blurry and horrible because they had to be taken on the sly.
Here are some pictures of the completed renovations and the people around the press. Everyone would like you to know that their bulletin boards are usually much more crowded, in case they gave off the impression that they weren't busy.
Also note - the photographs are blurry and horrible because they had to be taken on the sly.
The UOP entry, as seen from above. |
The entry, as seen by someone entering UOP, and Marie trying to hide in plain sight. |
New kitchenette |
Rebecca (left) and Mariam hard at work. |
Mariam |
Mireille pretending to work |
Marie, Managing Editor |
Eric, Aquisitions Editor, embarrassed. |
Mike, our Director, caught unawares. |
Lola, working hard. |
A serious conversation. |
Marketing office |
Jessica, smiley as ever. |
Photos from the launch of Sofia Tolstoy's memoirs
Here are some great pictures that were taken Wednesday evening during the launch of My Life, the memoirs of Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya. Thanks to Peter Thornton for providing us with the photographs.
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Front row, left to right: François Houle,Vice-President Academic and Provost; Andrew Donskov, Editor of My Life; Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber, uOttawa student. Back row: Dmitry Avdeev, First Secretary to the Russian Ambassador; Antoni Lewkowicz, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa; John Woodsworth, Translator of My Life; Michael O’Hearn, Director of the University of Ottawa Press; Roman Shevchenko, Third Secretary to the Russian Ambassador, Arkadi Klioutchanksi, Translator of My Life. |
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Michael O’Hearn, Director of the University of Ottawa Press |
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Andrew Donskov, Editor of My Life |
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Unknown attendee |
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Unknown guests |
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Arkadi Klioutchanski, Translator of My Life |
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Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber, student; Arkadi Klioutchanski and John Woodsworth, Translators of My Life |
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John Woodsworth, Translator of My Life |
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Antoni Lewkowicz, Dean, Faculty of Arts; Dmitry Avdeev, First Secretary to the Russian Ambassador; crowd |
book launch,
My life,
University of Ottawa Press
UOP Renovations at Home and Online
You may have heard that our offices underwent renovations not that long ago. At the same time, we were renovating our online home – our website. You may have already noticed the changes.
For the month of October, we’ll be posting a little note each week about a new feature on our website. We’d like for you to try it out and let us know what you think. Consider it an informal beta test.
And just so we can get the obvious out of the way, we'll start with the shopping cart. Yes, you can now buy UOP books in the comfort of your own home, regardless of where you are! We’ll ship them to you and in no time you’ll be enjoying your very own UOP book.
Our entire catalogue is up there, so go nuts. Seriously. And let us know how you felt about your shopping experience.
UOP Home Page:
University of Ottawa Press,
Launch Tonight! Sofia Tolstoy’s memoirs out at last.
The UOP office is gearing up for a great day today, despite the inclement weather.
Today we will be celebrating the launch of what was probably the most complicated publication the press has ever undertaken: My Life, the memoirs of Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya. The book was edited by Andrew Donskov and translated from its original Russian by John Woodsworth and Arkadi Klioutchanski.
It’s great to know that all of our hard work has paid off and that we’ve made it through the process unscathed and with amazing results. We’ve put together a book that is physically striking, (and not only because of its size: it weighs 2.6 kilos!) that is on a interesting and truly important topic, is well researched, well written, well translated, and just generally well done.
But don’t take it from me – take a look at what others are saying:
CBC News – Tolstoy’s Wife Gets to Tell her Story
Ottawa Citizen – Inside the World of Tolstoy
If you are interested in attending tonight’s launch – please feel free to come! It will be held this evening, at 5pm at the University of Ottawa campus.
For complete information on the launch, visit the following link:
Today we will be celebrating the launch of what was probably the most complicated publication the press has ever undertaken: My Life, the memoirs of Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya. The book was edited by Andrew Donskov and translated from its original Russian by John Woodsworth and Arkadi Klioutchanski.
It’s great to know that all of our hard work has paid off and that we’ve made it through the process unscathed and with amazing results. We’ve put together a book that is physically striking, (and not only because of its size: it weighs 2.6 kilos!) that is on a interesting and truly important topic, is well researched, well written, well translated, and just generally well done.
But don’t take it from me – take a look at what others are saying:
CBC News – Tolstoy’s Wife Gets to Tell her Story
Ottawa Citizen – Inside the World of Tolstoy
If you are interested in attending tonight’s launch – please feel free to come! It will be held this evening, at 5pm at the University of Ottawa campus.
For complete information on the launch, visit the following link:
book launch,
My life,
Charles Le Blanc nommé gagnant du prix littéraire Victor-Barbeau
C’est avec le plus grand plaisir que les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa annoncent que Charles Le Blanc, auteur de l’ouvrage Le complexe d’Hermès: Regards philosophiques sur la traduction a été choisi comme lauréat du prix Victor-Barbeau de l’essai, par le jury de l’Académie des Lettres du Québec. Le prix Victor-Barbeau est accordé chaque année à un auteur pour un essai qui est jugé de très grande qualité par un jury formé de trois membres de l'Académie.
Le Blanc est né à Jonquière en 1965. Il a fait des études en philosophie à l’Université Laval, où il a reçu son doctorat en 1995. Spécialiste de philosophie allemande classique, il est l’auteur de l’anthologie La forme poétique du monde (José Corti, 2003).
Traducteur chevronné, M. Le Blanc est le principal spécialiste francophone de Georg Christoph Lichtenberg dont il a assuré l’édition critique en français (José Corti, 1997). Formé à la philosophie de Kierkegaard, il a traduit et préfacé un de ses ouvrages intitulé Crainte et tremblement (Payot & Rivages, 2000) et a publié une monographie sur sa pensée (Les Belles Lettres, 1998).
Il est aussi l’auteur de quatre livres jeunesse : Contes et légendes de la nature enchantée (Nathan, 2004), Contes et légendes des fantômes et revenants (Nathan, 2004), Contes et légendes des vikings (sous le pseudonyme Lars Haraldson, Nathan, 2002) et Contes et légendes du Québec (Nathan, 1999).
Le complexe d’Hermès, un travail de réflexion sur la traduction – est un ouvrage pour lequel il a l’honneur d’être finaliste pour les Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général 2009 et gagnant du Prix Victor-Barbeau 2010. Il est professeur agrégé à l’École de traduction et d’interprétation à l’Université d’Ottawa. Il habite à Gatineau, Québec.
Pour en savoir plus, consulter le site web de l’Académie des lettres du Québec:
charles le blanc,
complexe d'hermes,
UOP’s Having a Party – and you’re invited!
As you know, we’re gearing up for the launch of Sofia Tolstaya’s memoirs, which will be held in T-minus 15 days!
It’s shaping up to be a classy event; held in the Tabaret Hall, with live musicians, some distinguished speakers (including the Russian Ambassador!) great food, and good company.
We invite all those who are interested in learning more about the project to come out and celebrate with us!
You’ll find the invitation below. Please make sure to RSVP!! Here's the link:
It’s shaping up to be a classy event; held in the Tabaret Hall, with live musicians, some distinguished speakers (including the Russian Ambassador!) great food, and good company.
We invite all those who are interested in learning more about the project to come out and celebrate with us!
You’ll find the invitation below. Please make sure to RSVP!! Here's the link:
Gold Medal Author
Hearty congratulations go out to UOP author Monique Frize,who was selected as the recipient of the Gold Medal which is awarded by Professional Engineers Ontario and the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers. The gold medal will be presented at a ceremony on November 20, 2010.
Frize will be adding the medal to an already enviable list of accomplishments. She began her distinguished career when she graduated as the first woman to earn a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering at the University of Ottawa. Her credentials, both as an engineer and as an advocate for women’s equality, are simply astounding. Following her undergraduate work, Frize earned a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London (UK), a Master’s of Business Administration at the Université de Moncton, and a doctorate from Erasmus Universiteit in Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
She has been awarded five Honorary Doctorates, and was inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 1992 and Officer of the Order of Canada in 1993.
For more information, see the news release on Carleton University's website:
Frize will be adding the medal to an already enviable list of accomplishments. She began her distinguished career when she graduated as the first woman to earn a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering at the University of Ottawa. Her credentials, both as an engineer and as an advocate for women’s equality, are simply astounding. Following her undergraduate work, Frize earned a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London (UK), a Master’s of Business Administration at the Université de Moncton, and a doctorate from Erasmus Universiteit in Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
She has been awarded five Honorary Doctorates, and was inducted as a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 1992 and Officer of the Order of Canada in 1993.
For more information, see the news release on Carleton University's website:
Monique Frize,
UOP Teams Up With Symtext to Offer Customizable Textbooks
The UOP team is happy to announce that we’ve begun working with Symtext Corp., a new and innovative platform for educators, learners and publishers, that allows users to manage and deliver digital instructional materials.
The Symtext platform allows educators to create something called Liquid Textbooks – which are individually customized digital textbooks that can include a wide range of materials, including:
So far, forty-two UOP (new & backlist) titles have been made available through the Symtext platform, which in turn have been ‘chunked’ into 523 separate parts. At the moment, the platform only supports English material, so our French titles are not available through Symtext.
Other publishers are taking part in the project as well. Over 70 publishers are making material available on the platform, including Oxford University Press (Canada), McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Harvard Business Publishing, MIT Sloan Management Review, Broadview Publishing, Jones and Bartlett, University of Western Ontario's Ivey Publishing, Wilfrid Laurier University's School of Business and Economics case group, and the University of British Columbia Press.
The Liquid textbooks are available online, through Print-on-Demand, and will shortly be available for Apple’s new iPad.
See how it works:
For more information, check out this article in the Toronto Star:
Or Symtext’s website:
And if you’re really interested, and would like to see a list of available UOP titles in the platform, you can contact Rebecca Ross at or 613.562.5800 x2854
The Symtext platform allows educators to create something called Liquid Textbooks – which are individually customized digital textbooks that can include a wide range of materials, including:
- texts from diverse publishers
- personal material
- presentations
- videos
- photos
- podcasts
- basically anything else a teacher/prof could think of
So far, forty-two UOP (new & backlist) titles have been made available through the Symtext platform, which in turn have been ‘chunked’ into 523 separate parts. At the moment, the platform only supports English material, so our French titles are not available through Symtext.
Other publishers are taking part in the project as well. Over 70 publishers are making material available on the platform, including Oxford University Press (Canada), McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Harvard Business Publishing, MIT Sloan Management Review, Broadview Publishing, Jones and Bartlett, University of Western Ontario's Ivey Publishing, Wilfrid Laurier University's School of Business and Economics case group, and the University of British Columbia Press.
The Liquid textbooks are available online, through Print-on-Demand, and will shortly be available for Apple’s new iPad.
See how it works:
For more information, check out this article in the Toronto Star:
Or Symtext’s website:
And if you’re really interested, and would like to see a list of available UOP titles in the platform, you can contact Rebecca Ross at or 613.562.5800 x2854
new media technologies,
Charles Le Blanc Choisit Comme Finaliste du Prix Littéraire Victor Barbeau

L’Académie des Lettres du Québec décerne ses prix littéraires depuis 1983. Le prix Victor-Barbeau est accordé chaque année à un auteur pour un essai qui est jugé de très grande qualité par un jury formé de trois membres de l'Académie.
La cérémonie de remise des prix aura lieu le mercredi 22 septembre, 19h, à l’auditorium de la Grande Bibliothèque à Montréal.

Charles Le Blanc est professeur agrégé pour l’École de traduction et d’interprétation à l’Université d’Ottawa. Il est auteur et traducteur de plusieurs ouvrages, notamment De interpretatione recta - De la traduction parfaite, Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, 2008 et Kierkegaard : Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1998. Il habite à Gatineau, Québec.
Pour en apprendre plus au sujet du livre Le complexe d’Hermès, visitez :
Pour en savoir plus au sujet du prix, consulter le site web de l’Académie des lettres du Québec:
Pour en savoir plus au sujet du prix, consulter le site web de l’Académie des lettres du Québec:
charles le blanc,
complexe d'hermes,
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